
Opta Information Intelligence

Sponsor Since: August 2019
175 Commerce Valley Drive West, Suite 601
Markham, Ontario
Canada, L3T 7P6

Opta Information Intelligence, a Verisk business, delivers Canada’s most comprehensive property intelligence and loss control services nationwide. With a history rooted in the Canadian Fire Underwriters’ Association (founded in 1883), Opta possesses more physical construction information and site-specific risk intelligence than any other organization in the country.

Opta is uniquely positioned to provide lenders and brokers with the industry’s most accurate and innovative residential and commercial property solutions nationwide. Our extensive experience in property data analytics allows us to provide a comprehensive suite of solutions for mortgage underwriting, portfolio risk assessment, and default management. Our professionals leverage extensive backgrounds in insurance operations, actuarial science, engineering, computer programming, management science, and risk and claims management to provide clients with the information they need to drive profitable growth.

To learn more about Opta, visit www.optaintel.ca